Huntington Beach Wedding Photographers
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Huntington Beach Wedding Photographers

One of the most fun things about being wedding photographers is getting to experience the keen eye for fashion that so many of our couples have, which is definitely the case with this duo that got married at the Waterfront Resort in Huntington Beach. They provided a recipe for success in capturing wedding details: First, what better way to feature a gorgeous diamond then to have it on a bride who is a professional hand model (and who also happens to work in the jewelry business)?. Things definitely spiced up with a sexy two piece bridal look designed by the multi-talented bride, with lace details that almost seem like an extension of her bouquet. Complimenting all of those feminine details was the masculine grace of the groom's soft but strong embrace. All of these ingredients artfully mixed together to frame the true focus of the image...the intertwined hands of the newly united pair.

Location: Pacific Coast Hwy, Huntington Beach, California.