Pasadena Business Headshot Photographers
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Pasadena Business Headshot Photographers

The owner of a business is the face of the company, and in image conscious Southern California a beautiful headshot is an essential tool of any trade, especially in the beauty industry. This owner of a cosmetic manufacturing firm perfectly blended the scientific aspects of her business with her lab coat look, along with the polished glamorous side conveyed by flawless makeup, beachy waves and stylish jewelry. Her confident and joyful expressions tells the viewer that her job is her passion, and would pique any potential client's interest in the products she creates. The simple background of a faded medium gray pulls all the focus to her look, which represents her company perfectly. The lighting gives her face wonderful dimension so that feels like she is sitting opposite the viewer, ready to answer questions about her products and share her company's vision.

Location: Pasadena, California.